VPG News
- VPG Releases New Ultra-High-Precision Bulk Metal® Foil Surface-Mount Power Metal Strip® Current-Sensing Resistor With Improved Load Life Stability of ±0.2%, TCR As Low As ±5 ppm/°C, and Tolerance of ±0.1% (February 9, 2011)
- Vishay Precision Group Expands Bulk Metal® Foil Resistor Offering for Hi-Rel Applications with Improved Devices Featuring TCR From ±0.2 ppm/°C. Load-Life Stability to 0.005 % (50 ppm), End-of-Life Less Than 0.05%, and ESD Immunity of 25 kV or Better (January 24, 2011)
- VPG Releases New Ultra-High-Precision Bulk Metal® Foil Power Current Sensing Resistors With Low TCR to ±0.05 ppm/°C, Tolerances to ±0.01%, and High Power Ratings to 7 W (January 19, 2011)
- Vishay Precision Group (VPG) Introduces 60 W, 0.05 ppm/°C TCR Resistors for High-End Audio Applications (January 10, 2011)
- VPG Transducers Offers Custom Force Sensors for Infusion Pump Manufacturers (December 6, 2010)
- VPG’s New Hermetically Sealed Metrology, Laboratory, and Military Ultra-High-Precision Resistors Feature TCR to ±0.05ppm/°C, Load-Life Stability of 0.005%, and Tolerance to ±0.005% (November 22, 2010)
- VPG’s BLH-Nobel Weighing Systems G4 Family of Multi-Channel Weight/Force Indicators Now Offers EtherNet/IP Communication Protocol Capability (November 22, 2010)
- VPG Releases New Ultra-High-Precision Z-Foil Power Current Sensing Resistor With Low TCR to ±0.05ppm/°C, Tolerances to ±0.02%, ESD Immunity to at Least 25 kV, and High Power Rating of 2 W (November 8, 2010)
- VPG Releases Improved Bulk Metal® Power Current Sensing Resistors With 3 A and 15 A Maximum Current, TCR to ± 15 ppm/°C, Resistive Tolerance to ± 0.1 %, and Four Leads for a Kelvin Connection (October 25, 2010)
- VPG’s New Ultra-High-Precision Bulk Metal® Z-Foil Hybrid Chip Resistors are Industry’s First to Offer Low Typical TCR of 0.05ppm/°C from 0°C to +60°C, Tolerance to 0.005%, and Load-Life Stability of ±0.01 % for 10,000 Hours (October 11, 2010)
- VPG Adds New Ultra-High-Precision Bulk Metal® Z-Foil Resistors With Low Typical TCR of ±0.05ppm/°C (0°C to +60°C), Tolerance and Load-Life Stability of ±0.005% (50ppm), and Thermal EMF of 0.05μV/°C (September 24, 2010)
- VPG's On-Board Overload Protection Systems Offer Accuracy to 2% and High Durability; Display of Gross Vehicle Weight, Net Payload Weight, and Axle Group Weights With No Driver Interaction (September 10, 2010)
- VPG Transducers Serves Packing Machine Manufacturers with High-Speed, High-Precision Weighing Solutions (August 6, 2010)
- Vishay Precision Group’s H and HZ Series of Bulk Metal® Foil Resistors Selected for Electronic Design’s Annual "Top 101 Components" (July 28, 2010)
- Vishay Bolsters Offering of Bulk Metal® Foil and Z-Foil Ultra-High-Precision Voltage Divider Resistors With Release of New High-Power VFD244/Z, Conformally Coated VSH144/Z, and Enhanced 300144/5 and 300144Z/5Z (April 16, 2010)
- Vishay's New SMR3P Ultra-High-Precision Resistors Feature Tolerance to 0.01 %, Maximum TCR of ± 0.5 ppm/°C, and (March 22, 2010)
- Vishay Enhances CSM Ultra-Precision, Surface-Mount, Current-Sensing Resistors With Improved TCR Values Down to ± 15 ppm/°C, With ± 10 ppm/°C Available on Request, and Extended Resistance Range Down to 1 mΩ (March 10, 2010)
- Vishay’s New Z203 Metrology and Laboratory Ultra-High-Precision Resistors Feature Maximum TCR of 0.5 ppm/°C, Load-Life Stability of 0.005 % (50 ppm) at + 70 °C for 10,000 Hours, and Tolerance to 0.005 % (50 ppm) (February 22, 2010)
- Vishay's New-Generation, Ultra-Precision VHP100 Bulk Metal® Foil Resistor Wins Product of the Year Award from Electronic Products Magazine (February 8, 2010)
- Vishay's New Generation of Hermetically Sealed, Ultra-High-Precision Bulk Metal® Foil Resistors Features TCR From ± 0.2 ppm/°C, Tolerance of ± 0.001 % (10 ppm), and Load-Life Stability of ± 0.002 % (20 ppm) at + 25 °C for 2000 Hours at Rated Power (January 6, 2010)
- Vishay's New-Generation, Ultra-Precision VHP100 Bulk Metal Foil Resistor is Shortlisted for Elektra 09 European Electronics Industry Awards (September 28, 2009)
- Vishay’s Enhanced VTAZ Series of Ultra-High-Precision Bulk Metal® Z-Foil Axial Resistors Offers Power Ratings to 1.0 W, Resistance Values to 300 kΩ, TCR Down to ± 0.05 ppm/°C, and Load-Life Stability of ± 0.005 % (50 ppm) at + 70 °C (September 18, 2009)
- Vishay's New Ultra-High-Precision Hermetically Sealed Bulk Metal® Foil Resistor Features 0.3 ppm/°C Maximum TCR, Tight Tolerances to ± 0.005 % (50 ppm), and Shelf Life Stability of 2 ppm Through at Least 6 Years (September 11, 2009)
- Vishay's New VCS1610 High-Precision Bulk Metal® Surface-Mount Current Sensing Chip Resistor Features Absolute TCR of ± 2.0 ppm/°C, Tolerance to ± 0.5 %, and Load-Life Stability of ± 0.02 % (August 26, 2009)
- Vishay Technical Notes Highlight Advantages of Bulk Metal® Foil and Z–Foil Resistor Technologies (June 29, 2009)
- Vishay's 1280G and 1285G Series of Bulk Metal® Foil Ultra-High-Precision Accutrim™ Trimming Potentiometers Feature Unique End-to-End TCR Down to ± 5 ppm/°C and ± 25 ppm/°C Through the Wiper, Load Life Stability of 0.1 %, and < 0.05 % Settability (June 22, 2009)
- Vishay’s 1242 QPL Series of Bulk Metal® Foil Ultra-High-Precision Accutrim™ Trimming Potentiometers Features End-to-End TCR of ± 10 ppm/°C and ± 25 ppm/°C Through the Wiper, Load Life Stability of 0.1 %, and < 0.05 % Settability (June 5, 2009)
- Vishay’s Improved 1240 and 1260 Series of Bulk Metal® Foil Ultra-High-Precision Accutrim™ Trimming Potentiometers Feature Low End-to-End TCR of ±10 ppm/°C and ±25 ppm/°C Through the Wiper, Load Life Stability of 0.1 %, and < 0.05 % Settability (May 27, 2009)
- Vishay's QPL RNC90Y and Non-QPL S555 Bulk Metal® Foil, Established Reliability Resistors Combine Load Life Stability of ±0.005 %, Tolerance Down to ±0.005 %, and ESD Immunity up to 25 kV (May 20, 2009)
- Vishay Introduces Streaming Video Comparison Demonstrations of Bulk Metal® Foil Resistors on Website (April 27, 2009)
- Vishay Delivers Bulk Metal® Foil Resistor Prototypes in 5 Working Days or Less With New “Panic Button” Service (April 24, 2009)
- Vishay Releases New Cost-Effective, Conformally-Coated High-Precision Bulk Metal® Foil and Z-Foil Resistors With TCR Down to ±0.2 ppm/°C, Tight Tolerance to ±0.01 %, and Nearly Immeasurable 1-ns Rise Time (April 17, 2009)
- Vishay's Improved VSMP0603 Ultra-High-Precision Bulk Metal® Z-Foil Wraparound Surface-Mount Resistor is Industry's Smallest to Combine TCR of ±0.2 ppm/°C, Tolerance of ±0.01%, ESD immunity up to 25KV, and Load Life Stability of ±0.005% After 2000 Hours (February 27, 2009)
- Vishay’s VFCD1505 Ultra-High-Precision Z-Foil Surface-Mount Flip Chip Voltage Divider Combines Fast Thermal Stabilization Time of < 1 Second, Low Absolute TCR of ±0.05 ppm/°C, TCR Tracking of 0.1 ppm/°C, and Load Life Stability Ratio of ±0.005 % (February 18, 2009)
- Vishay’s New Ultra- High-Precision, Surface-Mount Bulk Metal® Z-Foil Resistors for AMS Applications Are First to Combine ESD Immunity up to 25 kV, Long-Term Stability Down to ±0.005 % (50 ppm), and Low Typical TCR of ±0.2 ppm/°C (February 13, 2009)
- Vishay’s New 300144Z and 300145Z Ultra-High-Precision Z-Foil Voltage Divider Resistors Combine TCR Tracking to 0.1 ppm/°C, Tolerance Matching to ±0.005 %, Thermal Stabilization Time of < 1 Second, and Load Life Stability of ±0.005 % After 2000 Hours (February 6, 2009)
- Vishay’s New E102Z Ultra-High-Precision Bulk Metal® Z-Foil Resistor Features a Low Absolute TCR of ±0.2 ppm/°C, Tight Tolerance from ±0.005 % (50 ppm), and Rated Power to 0.3 W at +125 °C (January 30, 2009)
- Vishay’s RNC90Z Military-Established, Bulk Metal® Z-Foil Reliability Resistors Combine Extended Resistance Tolerance Down to ±0.005 %, TCR of ±0.2 ppm/°C, and ESD Immunity up to 25 kV (January 28, 2009)
- Vishay’s New VPR221Z Ultra-High-Precision Z-Foil Resistor Features a Low Absolute TCR of ±0.2 ppm/°C, PCR of 4 ppm/W, Tolerance to ±0.01 %, and Load-Life Stability of ±0.005 % (50 ppm) (September 17, 2008)
- Vishay’s New VCS1625Z Ultra-High-Precision Z-Foil Surface-Mount Current Sensing Chip Resistor Features a Low Absolute TCR of ±0.2 ppm/°C, Tight Tolerance to ±0.2 %, and PCR of ±5 ppm at Rated Power (August 15, 2008)